Banned Books Week 2020

Welcome to Banned Books Week, an annual celebration of our freedom to read diversely and without censorship!

Every year books are challenged and even banned in American libraries, schools, and even universities. In 2019 alone, the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom tracked over 350 challenges to titles held in libraries across the nation, amounting to a 14 page list of books, both new and old.

During Banned Books Week, we call attention to books that have been deemed dangerous or unorthodox at some point, and invite you to read them. Words are powerful things; they have the ability to change how we understand ourselves, others, and the world. Being able to read diversely, even when we don’t agree with or particularly like what we read, is important. This year, we’ve created a list of titles in our collection for you to explore. Hover over the title you’re interested in, and click on it to access the catalog record. No matter what you pick, celebrate your right to read!